
The term template, when used in the context of software engineering has various technical specifications, but is generally identified as any processing element that can be combined with a data model and processed by a template engine to produce a result document.

A web template is a tool used to separate content from presentation in web design, and for mass-production of web documents. It is a basic component of a web template system.

Web templates can be used to set up any type of website. In its simplest sense, a web template operates similarly to a form letter for use in setting up a website.

Casiano Rodríguez León
Licencia de Creative Commons
Principios de Programación Imperativa, Funcional y Orientada a Objetos Una Introducción en Perl/Una Introducción a Perl
por Casiano Rodríguez León is licensed under a Creative Commons Reconocimiento 3.0 Unported License.

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