The four main functions of Configuration Management may be summarised as:
- Controlling all the elements of the IT infrastructure configuration
with a sufficient level of detail and managing this information using
the configuration database (CMDB).
- Providing accurate information about the IT configuration to all
the various management processes.
- Interacting with Incident, Problem, Change and Release Management
so that they can resolve incidents effectively by finding the cause
of the problem rapidly, making the changes necessary to solve it, and
keeping the CMDB up-to-date at all times.
- Periodically monitoring the configuration of the systems in the
production environment and comparing it with that held in the CMDB to
correct any discrepancies.
Casiano Rodríguez León

Principios de Programación Imperativa, Funcional y Orientada a Objetos Una Introducción en Perl/Una Introducción a Perl
por Casiano Rodríguez León
is licensed under a Creative Commons Reconocimiento 3.0 Unported License.
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