contiene las variables de entorno. Su modificación implica la modificación
del entorno del programa.
$ENV{PATH} = $ENV{PATH}:"/home/casiano/bin"; delete $ENV{DISPLAY}; system 'myls';En este ejemplo el program
es ejecutado en un entorno en el cual el PATH
a /home/casiano/bin
y la variable DISPLAY
ha sido suprimida.
I require some assistance. I am writing a CGI script in Perl on Solaris that needs to run external commands using the 'system' operator. These commands are part of a larger package that needs the system initialized (via a command) properly before execution, or else each individual command cannot interact with the other, like the following. 1: system "/PATH/initialize_system"; # init the environment 2: system "/PATH/skew.k ARG_FOR_FRAME_NUMBER"; # create image 3: system "/PATH/savegif.k FRAME_NUMBER"; # save image off 4: system "exit"; # exit the environment created with initialize_system When running a command using 'system', the environment appears to only lasts until the next line of Perl code, so line 2 can't talk to line 3 because the environment required for them to communicate isn't there which is initialized by line 1. The above code snippet would the way it is run from a command line. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
¿Cuál es su respuesta?
$ set | grep "^[A-Z]" |wc $ perl -e 'print "$_ = $ENV{$_}\n" for sort keys %ENV;' | wc¿A que se debe la diferencia?. Observe el siguiente experimento:
$ FOO='Hello, World!' $ perl -le'print $ENV{FOO}' $ $ export FOO='Hello, World!' $ perl -le'print $ENV{FOO}' Hello, World!
Casiano Rodríguez León