A model covering letter

Learning goal

  • To acquire useful vocabulary in order to be able to write a suitable covering letter when applying for a job.

To achieve that goal, you should become familiar with the words in the resource, paying special attention to those included in the exercise. The interactive activity provides feedback so that you can evaluate your performance.

Read the model covering letter

Analyze the model covering letter, paying attention to the combination possibilities of the expressions in the grids. Once you are familiar with this template, you can try to be more creative and introduce your own expressions.


Complete the sentences

Read and complete with a suitable word from the dropdown menu.

a) With reference to the   that has recently appeared on your website, I would like to   the position of furniture restorer.

b) As you can see in the   CV, I have the relevant qualifications and work experience for the post.

c) I believe I can make a   contribution to your company.

d) I am   for an interview at any time of your convenience.

Layout of a formal letter

Once you are familiar with the template, you can try to be more creative and introduce your own expressions.

If you ever need to write a traditional letter, rather than an email, you have to make sure you know the layout and conventions of that type of correspondence.