Depth in visual compositions

Learning goal

  • To acquire useful vocabulary in order to be able to describe how the effect of depth is achieved in two-dimensional visual compositions.


To reach that goal, you should become familiar with the words in the resource, paying special attention to those included in the exercise. The interactive activity provides feedback so that you can evaluate your performance.

Watch the video

Watch the video "Depth in visual compositions", by Carmen Rio ( and answer the questions below. If you have trouble following the video, you can read the script here.



Find the equivalent term in English

The English counterparts for the following Spanish terms appear in the presentation. What are they?

1. plano (adjetivo), carente de profundidad:

2. diferentes planos de profundidad: different

3. primer plano:

4. plano intermedio:

5. fondo:

6. solapamiento:

7. escorzo:

8. perspectiva lineal:

9. perspectiva aérea: or

10. punto de fuga:

11. línea del horizonte:

12. contornos borrosos:

13. colores apagados:

14. líneas paralelas:

15. líneas de fuga:

16. converger: to

17. tamaño relativo:

18. perspectiva con dos puntos de fuga (oblicua): -