Some useful vocabulary and grammar

General words used to describe colours

Explore this link, provided by Macmillan Dictionary:

You don't have to learn all the words, but you may find some of the expressions useful.

Take a look at the table below, which contains some words taken from the list. Would you be able to distinguish those with positive connotations from those with negative ones? The information given on the link is very helpful in that respect.

bold glowing violent dusty festive
watery chintzy fresh bright harsh
jazzy monotone bleached gay loud
discolored harmonious delicate clean colorful
vibrant brash faded muted pure
Words used to describe specific colours

This is another helpful link provided by Macmillan Dictionary, this time with words that indicate specific colors:

Again, you don't have to learn all the words, but you may find some of the terms interesting.

One of the most useful things you can see on that link is the possibility of creating approximate colors by adding the suffix -ish (or sometimes -y) or by combining two colors (sometimes adding the suffixes -ish or -y to the first color). Another common feature is the use of a noun to modify the name of a color (e.g. bottle green). Try to answer the questions below to check whether you have understood those word-formation mechanisms.

1. Name two ways of saying marronáceo, tirando a pardo, amarronado.

2. Name three ways of saying naranja tirando a marrón, naranja parduzco.

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3. How would you say marrón anaranjado?

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4. How would you say castaño (literally, marrón nuez)? brown.