Learn about the different techniques
This work by Carmen Rio is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Learning goal
- To acquire useful vocabulary in order to be able to describe some basic application techniques that are commonly employed not only for oil pastel but for other media as well.
To achieve that goal, you should become familiar with the words in the resource, paying special attention to those included in the exercises. The interactive activities provide feedback so that you can evaluate your performance.
Explore the webpage
Read about oil pastel techniques on http://pastelpaintinggateshead.blogspot.com.es/p/oil-pastels-basic-techniques.html and then do the activities below.
Names of application techniques
After reading the webpage above, answer the following questions:
1. Select from the text the words that indicate different techniques for applying oil pastels (and paint in general).
2. Which of those techniques is used in the well-known methods for retouching paintings called rigatino (notice the vertical lines in the middle of the image) and tratteggio (see the images before and after the intervention)?
Matching words and definitions
Drag the definitions and drop them next to the corresponding words (which have been taken from the webpage above). The definitions have been adapted from WordReference.
Read the webpage carefully once again and find the words that correspond to the following Spanish terms.
a. trementina:
b. color base:
c. presiĆ³n: