How to restore and gild a frame

Learning goal

  • To acquire useful vocabulary in order to be able to describe basic procedures in the conservation/restoration of frames, with special reference to gilding processes.

To achieve that goal, you should become familiar with the words in the resource, paying special attention to those included in the exercise. The interactive activity provides feedback so that you can evaluate your performance.

Watch the video

Watch the video "Art Frames Conservation", (, uploaded onto YouTube by Smithsonian American Art Museum on 16 January 2009. The video provides good-quality English subtitles, but if you prefer to read the whole script in a single document, click here

Find the word that matches the definition

Choose from the drop down menu the word that best matches each of the definitions (which have been adapted from WordReference). You must take into account that the menu contains more words than you need.

1. To a surface is to smooth it with sandpaper.
2. To a surface is to polish it by rubbing it, till a shiny finish is obtained.
3. To something is to shape it, to work it into a required form.