Vocabulary activities

Mindmap: materials (click on the image to enlarge)

Complete the mindmap above

Fill in the missing words in the mindmap above, which shows different materials mentioned in the text that are susceptible to deterioration.













Find the odd one out: which of the words doesn't fit?

1. to rust – to corrode - to rot – to handle

a) to rust

b) to corrode

c) to rot

d) to handle

2. to package – to bias - to wrap – to store

a) to package

b) to bias

c) to wrap

d) to store

3. to skew - to unearth – to excavate – to dig out

a) to skew

b) to unearth

c) to excavate

d) to dig out

4. jelly-like - viscous - hard - gelatinous 

a) jelly-like

b) viscous

c) hard

d) gelatinous

Find words matching the definitions

Find in the video words that match the following definitions, which have been adapted from WordReference. The initials have been given to help you.

a) Level at which something would happen, in this case maximum degree of relative humidity at which a given material can be preserved in a satisfactory manner:  t

b) Any object made by human beings, especially a tool from an earlier time discovered at an archaeological site: a or a (spelling variants).

Choose the right answer for each question

1. Which of the options below is a synonym of the word in bold? Special measures must be taken to prevent microbial development.

a) grow

b) grew

c) growth

d) grown

2. The stained glass panel was covered ____ heraldic designs

a) of

b) from

c) for

d) in

3. The objects found at waterlogged sites must be ______ from drying out.

a) evicted

b) kept

c) avoided

d) encouraged

4. The Spanish expression “a simple vista” translates into English as:

a) to the naked eye

b) to simple sight

c) to the simple eye

d) to the naked glance

Naked vs nude

We can talk about a "naked body" or a "nude body".

Do you think there's any difference in meaning?