Monitoring the environmental conditions

Learning goal

  • To acquire useful vocabulary in order to be able to describe the usual procedures employed for preventive conservation in museums.

To achieve that goal, you should become familiar with the words in the resource, paying special attention to those included in the exercise. The interactive activity provides feedback so that you can evaluate your performance.

Watch the video

Watch the video "Preventive Conservation Intern Blog - Hanwell System", posted by BirminghamMAG at on 17 January 2013. If you have trouble following the video, you can activate its good quality subtitles (if you don't remember how to do it, click here) or access the script.


Fill in the missing words

Read the paragraph below, which is based on the video, and fill in the gaps with a suitable word. The initial has been given to help you.

As you can see on this chart, relative humidity is not stable at all outside the d cases: the line shows a lot of f . Moreover, these relative humidity values are below the r we would like them to be, which would be between 40% and 65%. However, thanks to the humidifiers we have set up, the conditions of relative humidity within the s are ideal for the conservation of the artefacts.