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Understanding site.url and site.baseurl

Stackoverflow: Change site.url to localhost during jekyll local development

This is a common problem between different Jekyll environments.

We need to understand site.url and site.baseurl and in which situation we need them. Those variables don鈥檛 serve the same purpose.


By default, this variable is only used in page head for the canonical header and the RSS link. It鈥檚 also used in the xml feed to point to site resources as the software that will manage this feed doesn鈥檛 know resource鈥檚 urls.

This variable is only necessary for external systems.


This variable indicates the root folder of your Jekyll site. By default it is set to "" (empty string). That means that your Jekyll site is at the root of http://example.com.

If your Jekyll site lives in http://example.com/blog, you have to set site.baseurl to /blog (note the slash). This will allow assets (css, js) to load correctly.

See how assets are loaded in you head :

<link rel="stylesheet" href="/ocw/pluginfile.php/19489/mod_resource/content/3/_site/css/main.css">

that can also be :

<link rel="stylesheet" href="/ocw/pluginfile.php/19489/mod_resource/content/3/_site/css/main.css">

Working in different environments

Now you have to test your site locally and to deploy it in production. Sometimes, the baseurl is different and the jekyll build may not work out of the box in one of those environment.

Here we have two solutions :

Use jekyll serve

Let鈥檚 imagine that your site lives in a github repository and is served at https://username.github.io/myProject.

You can setup the baseurl to /myProject. and test your site locally with jekyll serve, your site will be served at

Use multiple configuration files

If, for one reason or another, you cannot use jekyll serve, you can set a configuration file for both environment and jekyll build depending on where you are deploying.

Let鈥檚 say we have the local site served at http://localhost and the production site served at https://username.github.io/myProject.

We leave the _config.yml with url: https://username.github.io and baseurl: /myProject

We create a new _config_dev.yml with only url: https://localhost and baseurl: ""

Now to test locally :

jekyll build --config _config.yml,_config_dev.yml


jekyll build --config _config.yml,_config_dev.yml --watch

When pushed on production, the jekyll build command will use the default _config.yml.

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