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Consolidation activity on "Vincent"

Matching the lyrics with paintings

In his song, Don McLean refers to different motifs in Van Gogh paintings, though in some cases it is unclear which specific works he may be alluding to.

Listen to "Vincent" again ( while observing carefully the Van Gogh paintings listed in chronological order in the image gallery below, since they could be among the artworks mentioned by the singer. Try to identify the key words that might refer to each of the paintings.

Searching for the key words

Which painting could the following expressions refer to?

1. "paint your palette blue and grey", "shadows on the hills", "swirling clouds in violet haze"
2. "winter chills", "snowy linen land"
3. "flaming flowers that brightly blaze"
4. "morning fields of amber grain"
5. "weathered faces lined in pain", "ragged men in ragged clothes"